We understand, it's personal.
Those familiar with our portfolio know that we offer thousands of hand-selected products from fantastic manufacturers we’ve already vetted. Our collection brings form and function to the center stage, and no one knows it better than we do. On top of this, our staff can offer insights and guidance to help select products, as well as identify attainable ways to create those special items that bring a site together. Personalizing a standard product instead of starting from scratch is an excellent way to control costs, meet timeline expectations, and make a big impact.
Graber Manufacturing, Inc., through their brands Thomas Steele site furnishings and Madrax bike solutions, have a long history of successfully realizing visions for clients. We’ve been so inspired by The Great Sauk State Trail project that we wanted to share.
Spinning off of standard products, from both Thomas Steele and Madrax, Graber worked with River Arts, Inc. to create designs that highlighted the natural beauty and history of the area.
Additionally, the standard Shadow bike rack was repurposed as a mile marker for this project, giving an already existing design new functionality.
These modified products became the personalized solution River Arts was looking for.
We are your local resource for realizing incredible site furnishing elements like these. Let’s personalize something together today! That BIG idea might be more achievable than you think.
To specify include:
Spruce & Gander, Inc.
[email protected]
tf 877.650.7711